Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Moved On... for now.

So you've stumbled upon this blog and have wondered why there is no activity.  Well, I've moved on for now.  I'm not gone, I've just found a new home.  Since getting back into photography I've been very active in the community on Google+.  I've found the inspiration, camaraderie, and support that I long for there.

Venice Canal

Life brings change and this is one that I believe is for the better.

So if you are interested I can be found along with my photos at these locations:

Please feel free to join me there.  I'm most talkative on Google+ but post images on the other sites.  For now I'll leave you with a couple of my latest images.

If you are interested in purchasing any of my photography you may do so at www.brianbonhamphotography.com.

Peace and Love,


The Shoe

Juicing Pink

Panther Creek Falls in Washington State

Portland, Oregon at night

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Devil's Cut - Lightbox

This week I thought I'd challenge myself with something new in my photography so I built a lightbox.  This is my first picture from it.  Nothing like the challenge of lighting a skull shaped shot glass.

I built the lightbox using pvc pipe, pipe fittings, clamps and lamps purchased from Home Depot along with cloth and paperboard from a local art supply shop.  I'll get a photo of it posted sometime.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Trend Setting?

You've heard of planking, owling and Tebowing, right?  Well I think my daughter wants to start the next trend, it will be called Umbrellamanning.  So if one night your watching Portlandia and they run a spoof on it you can thank Brianna.

I sense that you're confused.  Let me help you by showing you this 

This is Umbrella Man, actually titled Allow Me, and he's located in Pioneer Courthouse Square downtown Portland, OR.

So grab your umbrella and show me your pictures.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I post this because it's funny!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year

Welcome 2012... I am going to kick your ass!

Friday, December 16, 2011

In The Kitchen

Prepared for life.  That is what I want my kids to be before they move out of the house.  Along with teaching them to be happy, to be fulfilled, to be kind and loving, to seek after life, we also want them to be self-sufficient.  With that last point in mind we have taught them to do their own laundry, to help out with daily chores around the house and also how to cook.  We don't want them leaving the house only knowing how to make a bowl of cereal (my specialty). 

With this in mind we are beginning to have them help out in the kitchen with meals.   A couple of nights ago my daughter was assigned to make dinner on her own.  It was a simple taco meal which my wife thought was a good entry level meal to start with.  She did great.  It didn't go without a few speed bumps but in the end it tasted good and filled our bellies.  The best part was the show she put on during her meal preparation.

I must admit, my kids will not leave my care without a sense of humor.  This they both have in healthy doses.  The show my daughter put on was not fully intentional but hilarious nonetheless.  I laughed as I watched her try to shake the refried beans out of the can, which if you've tried this you know it's not going to happen.  I told her she had to scoop them out first so she stuck a spoon in, loosened them up and then proceeded to shake the can again.  As you can see in the blurry (because I was laughing so hard I couldn't hold still) photo below the beans missed the pot.

One more lesson I must teach her is weapon selection because on this night she chose poorly.  With all the sharp knives available to brandish she chose the rubber coated can opener to protect her kingdom.  "This is my kitchen weapon and I'll use it on you if you try to come in!" she yells followed by a menacing cackle.

And although she'd barely talk to me last night because I won't let her, at 14, get gauges put in her ears I love her dearly and more than she'll ever know.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

I Made These

If you don't believe that pulling out your camera can bring people together I want to offer proof that it does. Here is a 14 year old girl and her 10 year old brother. People, do you see that?!?! She's actually touching him!Proof! 

Yeah, this is the fruits of my loins (_whatever that means_) in a photo together where one isn't glaring at the other, putting up the bunny ears (and no I didn't Photoshop them out) or frowning at the shear displeasure of being on the same planet.