Friday, October 21, 2005

Techno Not

Sometimes I think it is good that I am not a wealthy person. If I had cash to burn I'd be the technology geek that most desire or dream to be. I love new technology and the things, gadgets, gizmos, and fun toys man has dreamed up.

The reason I mention this is because our family, thanks to Verizon, is joining the new millenium. WE ARE GETTING DSL. A technology I've been desiring for a while, but the price has kept me away.

I didn't order it because we need it or because of peer pressure and definately not for work, but because it is so cheap. For only $5 more than we are paying for dial-up we can get a dsl connection. What? Are you laughing at me? Yes, we do currently have a dial-up connection. It is true. I admit it. I am cheap. Too cheap to spend extra money on something that is just not absolutely necessary. However, $5 is worth the price to have a fast connection that allows us to be on the phone at the same time. Cool.

We're pathetic? Yes we may be.

It wasn't until our daughter was born in '97 that Kathi and I owned a microwave. At the time of that purchase we considered it joining the 80's, a decade and a half plus late, but we joined none the less.

We ended up buying the microwave to help heat the milk for late night feedings. We considered it a safety precaution. Have you ever stood over a hot stove at three in the morning when you can barely keep your eyes open? I have. The warmth from the stove is inviting. I would have hated to burn myself trying to snuggle up with the burner. Plus, the time we saved heating up the milk in the microwave, versus the stove, added to the precious sleep minutes new parents are commonly deprived of.

Our other big move in technology was ordering cable TV for the first time. At this point I guess we were again joining the 80's. That was about three years ago. Before that it was the classic rabbit ears. Our friends would laugh and point at us as if we were three headed circus freaks. The breaking point on the cable came after we moved into our new house and I discovered that the Fox channel didn't come in too good. I couldn't stand that. Fox has football. Life without the Raiders... I don't think so. Okay, I hear the booing and hissing, enough of that. Just know that Raider fans could kick the @$$ of any other teams fan base. We know this because half of our fans have served time. Well, that is a discussion for another time, and yes I know the Raiders suck bad this year, as we all know it's a "rebuilding year(?)".

For the record our cable bill is less than $10 a month. We got the bare minimum. It does, however, come with AMC movies, the E! channel, and Discovery.

At this rate we will have an Ipod by 2017, and Treo cell phones by 2021. By the way if you want to help me beat the 2017 Ipod date, you can help me get a free one by clicking on the link to the right.

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