Friday, October 03, 2008

We Just Spent a $#!T Load of Money On a Turd

I am not happy about this financial bailout.  Not happy at all.

And look, they vote for the bailout, pass it, and... the stock market goes down -157.some odd points.  You read that right.   Down.  The market went D.O.W.N.  The package that was designed to save us and the market responds with a negative.  Yee-ikees peeps.

My prediction is that four years from now when we are gearing up for another Presidential election we will be hearing from the candidates on their position on the bailout.  Okay, I don't just predict it, I GUARANTEE it.  This bailout is a governmental CYA (Mom, that stands for Cover Your Ass) and it is going to lead to a bunch of I told you so's.  

And it took and extra $150 billion dollars of added whatever to pass it?  Come on.  President Bush, shame on you.  House members, shame on you.  Senators,  shame, shame.  You can't spend money you don't have, that is what got us into this mess in the first place.  Maybe what we need is for Dave Ramsey to run for office.  Dave are you up for it.

Bring on a true fiscal conservative, bring on Steve Forbes, bring on Ron Paul, bring on somebody with a head on their shoulders and not up their @ss.


Luke of Hazard said...

I'm encouraged to hear that you are pissed. I am as well.

This thing did not break on party lines, and either candidate could have turned on it and pushed another solution through. And I watched them both vote for it live on the CSPAN, and neither will get my vote. And G. Smith gets thrown out as well.

Brian said...

Luke, I sent a note to Congressman DeFazio thanking him for his opposition to the bill. I've never thanked a Democrat in my life.

Luke of Hazard said...

Yeah, I would have thought it was fairly far fetched myself a few years ago that I would ever be proud of Blumenhaur and his goofy bow ties, but he did good.

If we has at least copied Buffet and actually gotten something for the money... sigh. out with the incumbents.

Jennifer said...

Brian, How do you really feel? I think you need to get in touch with your emotions (LOL!!!) Love, Mini-Me's (or is that Mini-You's?) Mommy

Paulos said...

I actually wrote Gordon Smith about this, got no reply. I was planing to vote for him, but if he voted for the bail out, no way.

I'm running out of people who I actually want to vote for

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