For my ladies 40
th birthday I threw her a tea party. Thanks to Krista for the help and supplies and my mom for the beautiful flowers the party turned out well.
This was a first for me. I know it's hard to believe but I've never thrown a tea party before yesterday. I did some reading on the web for hints to what needs to happen to have a successful tea party and the reading paid off.
The teas served were: Precious White Peach, Matevana & Rooibos Chai, Jasmine Dragon Pearls for the hot teas and Southern Sweet Tea for the cold tea.
The foods served were: cucumber sandwiches, avocado/tomato/mozzarella English muffins served hot, Russian Tea Cookies (by Krista), chocolate chip cookies, Skittles, and Dove chocolates. For the cake I made lemon cake with strawberry-vanilla frosting topped with crushed white chocolate crumbs.

Here is the spread.

Presenting the birthday girl with her cake. I spared her and our fire alarms the 40 candles.
Thank you to all the ladies that came to make this a special day for Kathi. We love you all.