The past two weeks have been rough. This being sick thing has thrown me off my game. But I am glad to say that I am still amongst the living.
Two weekends ago I had the pleasure of going snow camping for the first time with my friend Mark and his son Jared. We had a great time. I think the combination of this trip and being around sick people the week before was the catalyst for how bad I got this cold.
On the trip we hiked up White River Canyon on Mt. Hood for a couple of miles and then made camp. I was dying on the hike in. I knew I was out of shape but didn't realize how bad. The weight on my back combined with the altitude did not help the situation.
Camp was beautiful.

Here we are all warm, cozy, & tough.

On Saturday Mark & I snow shoe'd a bit further up the mountain. It is so quiet and picturesque on the mountain. My camera was giving me fits so I didn't get a lot of good photos or I'd show you how lovely it is. I learned that in order for my camera to work it had to be warm so the shots I did get I got after holding the camera in my armpit for a while.
I believe we got a total of 20" of snow while we were out.
I would like to do this again but before I do will need to get in a little better condition.