Saturday, January 12, 2008

Being Sick Sucks!!!

I've felt shitty all week. The amount of sick days I took in the last three years (sans the two bike related ones) can be counted on one finger. In other words I don't get sick very often. This illness is chalked up to co-workers who came in sick the week before I was sick followed up by a snow camping trip. This combination does not work well.

"Brian, oh my you used a cuss word!"

Yes I did.

"You must feel real bad then"

Yes I do.

Do you want to know how bad?

"Yes we do."

I feel so shitty that:
  • I've owed people an email or two for a week and haven't sent one.
  • I've not returned a single phone call.
  • There are conversations that need to happen with a few people that haven't.
  • Adobe CS3 Master Suite Collection has been on three of my computers for a week now and I haven't touched it.
  • I can't sleep for any lengthy period of time because I wake up coughing.
  • This blog post is the most complete thing I've done all week.
  • I am going to lay down on the couch and watch Alex play his Star Wars Lego game on the PS2 and I'll enjoy it.
  • Last night I coughed so hard I threw up my dinner. Shortly followed by Brianna saying "Wow, I've never heard anyone throw up before."
  • I've lost my voice from all the hacking and I found out that when a man has his lost voice it isn't as sexy as when some women get that Kathleen Turner sexy voice when they are sick.
I'm not looking for sympathy. I just wanted to bitch a bit.


Ashby said...

wow. That's pretty sick, and I mean that like 'you are pretty darn ill', as well as 'wow, you THREW UP, that's hard core'.

: )

Feel better soon, friend!

Unknown said...

I sure hope you're going to the doctor if you're that sick.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Brian. Throwing up is the worst. Ughhhhh. Drink some Emergen'C'!

Anonymous said...

Ooops, that we me!


Anonymous said...

Excuse me, I mean that was me.

Paulos said...

No wonder you steered clear of me at church

Brian said...

Ash, only you would send me mushroom soup as a get well card.

Doctor schmoctor Hartzell. That costs money and I'm cheap.

Brenda, I am on full doses of Earl Grey Tea with honey and lemon, plenty of rest and plenty of vitamins.

Paulos, I steered so far that I didn't even come. Glad you missed me.

Thanks all for your caring and prayers.

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