For years I've got to reap the rewards of my neighbor's beers that they make and have been itching to do my own. For my birthday I picked up all of the supplies needed and started today.
This is the pot of wort coming to a boil. The process is relatively easy. As the guy at the supply store said "If you can boil water, you can make beer." Simple as that. So far I've found that he is mostly correct. Timing, temperature and most importantly sanitation are also part of the mix. Three weeks from today I'll find out how well I followed the procedures required to make a delicious home brewed Pale Ale.
After tasting a good percent of the beer on tap at the Oregon Brewers Festival I know that there are plenty of recipes and varieties of beers to make. I started with the Pale Ale because it is the beer style I am most familiar with taste wise so I'll be a better judge of how well I did. Next on the menu will be either a Pilsner or a Hefewiezen. I'm going to save the IPA for the fall or winter.
Until then... bottoms up.
So im curious Brian, what do you think the bible says about Drinking and the conduct of a genuine believer in the Lord Jesus Christ in regards to this issue? Paul says that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God in his letter to the Corinthians. What are your thoughts?
My thoughts are... I'm not a drunkard and don't like the insinuation that I am. The bible does not prohibit drinking alcohol Jason. Would Jesus make wine for the wedding if he was opposed to his people drinking it? And not only did he make wine, he made the BEST wine. Would Jesus use wine at the Last Supper and drink it with his disciples if he was opposed to drinking it? "Take this cup and drink from it" not "Take this cup and look at it".
If you choose not to drink I respect that.
I think what Jason is hitting on is temptation. Brian, you are right that the Bible does not speak against drinking alcohol, but where do you draw the line between enjoying a glass of wine and being tipsy/drunk? When does it become sin? Would it not be safer to flee from temptation?
Janelle - it's an argument that Jason is after. Nothing more.
Be careful not to fall into legalism - neglecting mercy and ignoring the grace of God - as it will separate you from those you're called to love.
Grace and mercy should always be used when bringing concerns to people, but I don't see how fleeing from temptation is legalism.
I enjoy beer and am not prone to drunkenness. Nothing in my post indicates that I drink too much.
Did you kiss your husband before marrying him? Kissing leads to sex - sex before marriage is a sin - did you flee his kisses? Do you watch rated R movies? For some they can't and shouldn't because it offers a temptation that is too much for them.
There is always a line. Each of us is responsible for his/her own - I don't cross mine. I have a Lord, church and family I am accountable to and should not have to answer to anyone else. Legalism is drawing a line and applying it to everyone. Your line and mine may be different in many areas of life.
My problem with Jason is that he throws the drunkenness issue out there like it's mine. He doesn't spend time with me, he doesn't really even know me anymore as it's been years since we spent time together yet he sees my post that I'm brewing beer and decides to get preachy on me about faith and alcohol. This is why people run from the church, they don't want to be judged by man. God will judge me one day as he will judge you and Jason.
Did I show signs of drunkenness that needed concern? Nope!
Brian, I can't speak for Jason, but I'm not attacking you. You got awfully defensive when I just asked you a few questions.
Sorry Janelle but the defenses come up easy these days. I know you both probably mean well but assumptions have been made that shouldn't be made.
Well let me be the first to say....YOU GO BRIAN.....I think this is KILLER!!!!! I can't wait to taste your beer. I don't see what God or the bible has to do with this post but whatever. It's summertime enjoy!
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