Facebook or The Face as an old friend likes to call it can really get on my nerves. I have a love hate relationship with The Face. I love the fact that I can keep in touch with so many people at all levels of life no matter the distance. I love that I can share fun things, pictures, events with people who don't live close or whom I don't see often. I love that when my friends band is playing I can advertise and support his venture. I love that people post funny things and interesting things and thoughtful things. I love seeing pictures of people I don't see everyday. I love certain things. Other things I could do without.
What bugs the shit out of me is the vague postings. Pardon or don't pardon the French but seriously, if you're going to post something make it mean something, don't make me guess or ask. I have a very vivid imagination and can make up the best of stories for your vague posting if you want. Vague postings just make people want to know what you really mean which makes me think you want people to ask. If you post "I'm sad ;-(" or "I wish I could do that over" or "I feel like a big stinky pile of poo today, don't ask why" you are really just asking for people to ask "why?" or "what happened?" or "but I want to ask why because you posted something vague".
On this same note... I know that you know when you post something on someone else's wall that others can see it. I know you are really posting that post so others will see and not just the person who's wall you posted on. How do I know this? Because I do. And also because if you didn't intend for others to see it you could message it to them privately or change the view settings the them only.
I get the game people play, I just don't like it. The Face is good and fun but it also is shitty, self-serving and foolish at times.
Oh! Agree! 100%!
FB has allowed me to get to know my nieces and nephews a little (that sis and i are not close). But the folks who post those vague things drive me nuts! Hubby's sister is one of the worst. On the rare occasion i ask, she never gives me an answer. I feel like i'm walking around, "Who am i? Where am i? What am i suppose to be doing?"
FB has the opportunity to draw folks together, but those vague postings just push people further off.
It's the one social media outlet I could care less about! Facebook.....for me NEVER! I feel like Facebook takes the work out of relationships....I would much rather talk to those I am close to then rely on updates on FB.
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