Today was a fun filled day!
We started by meeting my sister and her kids in Beaverton for Big Truck Day at Conestoga. Besides the constant honking of the horns and the waits in line to sit in a truck for three seconds it was a good morning activity for us. The kids loved the trucks. Alex's favorite were the limousines.
We had to cut out early because we had a previous engagement to take our friend Megan shooting. So we packed up the arsenal, met up with Megan and headed out to the Tillamook Forest for some target practice. There we blew some holes in some cans and bottles we found laying around until Ranger Roger came and told us that it was a misdemeanor to shoot anything but paper targets. We explained that we were only shooting what we found laying around and he didn't care. Since our time was running short anyway due to a work schedule we decided to pack it in. We were good citizens and got a garbage bag from Ranger Roger and packed out someone else's garbage. I love the spot we found so we'll return another day with some paper targets.
Here's some pics of the day,

Alex adding to the horn noise of the day. Who can blame him. How many times have you tried to get a trucker to honk his horn.

Natalie being kind to her brothers by just pretending to pull the horn.

Aidan standing in the hornless fork truck brought by Parr Lumber.

Nathaniel curled up in the wheel of the big Monster Truck.

King Alex chillin' in the back of his Hummer Limo!

Jen found a friend to get a picture with.

Megan cracking off a shot with the Sig Sauer P230.
Yeah, best not mess with us.