Tonight we got rid of the girl for the night so we are hanging out with Alex who is currently impressing us with his dance moves. The best is
the move he calls The Cramp; it is where he spins on the floor holding his leg with an anquished look on his face.
Earlier we played a mean game of The Game of Life; SpongeBob Squarepants Edition.

Alex's choice. During the game Kathi got a call which put the game on hold but not the hijinx. Alex got into my motorcycle gear. He thinks the air intake on the front is a speaker for talking.
When the game was back on he ended up winning. This is always a big deal, beating mom and dad. I may lose a game of Life here and there but there is one game I don't lose playing, just ask Brianna. That game is Othello. She loves to play me because she thinks she'll win someday. Maybe she will, but for now it is no mercy.

I show her my strategies and why I make one move over another to try and help her learn. So far it hasn't sunk in. The day it does and she beats me there will be great celebration in our house.
The dance is almost over and bedtime is on the horizon. Nighty nite peeps.
I always liked the Othello. You should try "Go" sometime, it's similar to the O, only it's been in existence longer than Chess and has very good strategy. Good seeing ya tonight.
Oooooo...I love Othello. Next camping trip...we should bring it. :)
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