Saturday, December 20, 2008

Obama's Good Decision

I am a little surprised by the outrage over President Elect Obama's decision to select Rick Warren to give the invocation at the inauguration this coming January.  There are people on both sides of the political spectrum that are upset about this selection.  I for one find myself pleased by it, and doubly pleased by Warren's decision to accept the invitation.

There are differences in the two men's views on issues but they are both Americans.  It is good to see people with different views get together.  Some say that it is an indorsement of Obama by Warren but I see it as a chance for Warren to show his support of the office of the President.  His support as an American and his prayer support as a believer in Jesus.  

Those on the left should be proud that Mr. Obama is sticking with his word to reach across the aisle and work with those from all walks.  He is walking into a tough position and will need all the support he can get.

Should we all only work with those we have commonality with?  Or as most of us long for should we find commonality with those we disagree with and work together to make things better?  I for one see a great divide happening between the Christian community and the rest of the country.  Mr. Warren's agreement to provide the invocation and most likely future guidance and prayer support is a good thing.  Not all of us get the opportunity to interact with people in high power so we need to offer support for those that do get the opportunity.

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