Monday, April 16, 2007

Genesis... New Beginnings

There are people out there smarter than me. Seriously. I know it is hard to believe but it's true.

I am reading through Luke and Genesis. These are two of my favorite books of the Bible. This time I am reading with the aid of others. One happens to be Francis A. Schaeffer. I am reading his book Genesis in Space and Time as an aid to my reading of Genesis. He is blowing my mind and I am only two chapters in.

Chapter 1 was about the Creation story. I'll never view it the same. He blows my mind by talking about "before the beginning". I am not going to elaborate because I want you to read this yourself.

I am enjoying my reading and getting more out of it. For a long time I've been reading on my own without the aid of other brilliant minds and my reading just seemed to fall flat. The Spirit was silent.

God used some incredible men to put together what we now call the Bible. The intertwining of ideas and concepts is mind blowing. It could only have been done by one mind. The One.

God is good and true to His word.

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