Sunday, August 12, 2007

Best Movie of the Summer

Remember when Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear played conjoined twins? Me too. However, Bourne Ultimatum will help cleanse your Matt Damon palette of that horrible memory.
This summer has been filled with disappointments and surprises in the movie world. Transformers was way better than I thought it would be. Spiderman III was good but not as good as I'd hoped. Harry Potter... disappointed. Pirates III and Ocean's III I haven't seen.

The Bourne Ultimatum tops them all in my book as the best movie of the summer. The movie was full of action, the story line was good, and they finished off the trilogy well. One of the things that bugged me, which bugged me in other movies this summer, was that some of the action scenes used fast camera work instead of well choreographed fight scenes. This way of filming feels cheap. It seems like an easy way out for the filmmaker; they get in the action without really working for it. But I say that with forgiveness for all the other scenes that rocked. I give it two thumbs up, five stars, four boxes of popcorn or whatever rating system works for you. I just ask Matt to stick with movie genres that work for you. Stay away from the silly comedy buddy movies.

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