Sunday, June 17, 2007

Gosh Durn Allergies

I should be a church right now. However, my allergies have had my nose in an uproar all day. Sniffling, sneezing, blah, blah, all day. Yuck.

Paul had a "thorn in his side"... if I had written the NT I'd've said that I had a stuffy nose. Not quite as poetic or inspirational.

For fathers day I received Sienfeld's fifth season. I think I'll sit with some of that for a bit. Nothing like a Puffy Shirt to make one laugh and feel better.


Dave Ketah said...

Dude, I missed you! I was going to chat with you about the pot-stirring firearm thing I started! I hope you are feeling better soon!

Jenn Sanders said...

Missed you tonight! I hope you're not still sneezing!

Ashby said...

my allergies were pretty bad today too. must be something in the air. my contacts were in violent protest all afternoon.

also, i cannot think of a more awesome father's day present. rock ON.

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