Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Home, Simple Home

I got back from Texas today from a successful trip. I am glad to be home, see the family, sleep in my own bed, eat homemade food, etc.

Tomorrow it is back to the office. I have plenty of emails waiting to be dealt with. Fun times.

The speed limit in Dallas is 60 on the freeways. I know, I'm jealous too. Not only is it 60 but people actually drive 60 or faster. Unlike the 217 which has a speed limit of 55 and people drive 45 even when there is no traffic. Totally irritating. The rental car I was driving had a navigation system that verbally told me turn by turn instructions. This left me free to drive along instead of panicking over every street sign making sure I was heading the right way.

On another note. I am simplifying my life, especially my online life. As of today my MySpace and Facebook accounts have been canceled. I didn't use them much and hardly ever checked them. So I wiped them out. Gone. Done. I'm sure my presence there will not be missed.

1 comment:

Dave Ketah said...

Welcome back! I do not envy your business trip! I have been there and done that, and won't be sad if I never have to again!

I'm thinking about ditching the 'Space too. I have not ever had a Facebook, and don't really have any motivation to get one!

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