Saturday, October 03, 2009

Uhg! It's Begun...

In parenthood there are certain milepost's along the journey that are inevitable. Today the inevitable arrived on somebody else's time frame.

Alex is eight. Eight year old boys start to hear things from other boys. Today I overheard in our front yard another boy who was playing with Alex saying "this is a vagina and here is my penis... uhn... uhn.. uhn...". It has begun.

We knew that the "talk" would soon be coming and I knew that I would be the one to handle it with Alex. Kathi had the "talk" with Brianna about the time Brianna was eight.

Upon hearing the above I called Alex in the house and had an introduction conversation to the topic of sex and sexual nature. Let's just say it was Sex Talk 101.a with a side discussion about lewd talk and decency. I finished up by telling Alex we would talk more about it, which will be Sex Talk 101.b through Sex Talk 401.

The poor boy just looked at me with his jaw on his chest and his arms folded just under his chin. I think he was mystified by my ability to hear through solid walls in addition to the fact that I used the words sex, penis, erection and vagina all in the same conversation.

This will be an interesting milepost to get through. I want to do it right and do it in a way that doesn't scare Alex in way that keeps him from talking to me about it whenever he has a question in the future.

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