After the show we packed everything up and headed to the apartment to clean up for dinner. For dinner we headed for downtown Munich to find a restaurant. We ended up at a place that is over 100 years old and sat outside on the sidewalk. The waitress was my favorite of the trip so far. She was feisty.
When we came by the restaurant we picked up a menu and my coworker began translating. The waitress overheard and offered us a menu in English. We accepted. After sitting down I told her that my coworker spoke German and if she wanted she could speak with him. She refused, she wanted to speak English with us. After dinner we ordered dessert. My first inclination was to order chocolate ice cream but after she told us there was a cheese cake roll I decided on that, my coworker ordered the ice cream. Upon delivering the dessert she handed me mine and said "here is your flavorful sweet." and then she turned to my coworker, handing him his ice cream she said "here is your boring ice cream." We laughed. She was like this the whole meal. We both agreed that she liked me better because I was out of my element trying new things and she liked that I helped her with her English.
By the way, the beer of the night was Hacker-Pschorr's Dark White Beer.

On our walk back to the underground we came across this. It is a memorial for Michael Jackson. Candles were still being lit and flowers looked as if they were recently placed. A couple local ladies were there looking at it and laughing. I told them that he must be missed more here than in the States because I didn't see anything like this there. They said they knew he was big here but not that big. They didn't like the memorial.

That's all for now. Miss you all at home.
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