Monday, February 27, 2006

Olympics to Oscar

Well the Olympics are over so the media has to turn to the next big event... the Oscars.

I've always been a little cynical when it comes to an event put on by an industry to celebrate itself. I do not watch the Academy Awards and this year will not be different. Oh on occasion the remote may slip and I may catch a glimpse of it but as a rule I do not view the big event.

Out of curiosity I took a look at the list of nominees and I barely know any of those movies. The actors I know but the movies they are nominated for... couldn't say I saw many of those. "Crash", "A History of Violence", and "Narnia" I saw. All the others I either never heard of our didn't care to see.

So each year Hollywood gets together to pat themselves on the back. Good for them, because the money and fame isn't enough. My recommendation would be to turn on the DVD player and rent "Hotel Rwanda" which was nominated last year for three Academy Awards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait, the Olympics are over? I must have missed them...

Good point about the Oscars. I laughed. I should make an award show for myself.

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