Saturday, May 06, 2006

Where've You Been?

I don't consider myself much of a traveler. My wife found this cool little mapping thing so I thought I'd do it too. You can see hers at Just Visiting Here. Sad to say that a number of these states were just drive throughs but I counted them just the same.

My favorite state is my adopted home state of Oregon. If you haven't been here come, see, visit and then leave... that is the motto of the state. We have a lot of Califoregonians that are taking over. Okay so I happen to be the son of one but that makes me an involuntary usurper... right? California sucked me away for 10 years with its Hollywood glamour, nice beaches, and In-n-Out burgers but Oregon accepted me back just the same.

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.

My country visitation list is even more pathetic. Seriously... just check this out.

create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands

If I ever hit it big, retire early, or win the big lotto I'll buy an RV and tour the country Clark Griswald style, or see the world Bond style. A married Bond that is and one that prefers Scotch over Martini's, dry not wet. If I was on the Amazing Race the world would be red... I call that seeing the world Phil style.

Happy trails.

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