Monday, February 12, 2007


I need a Joseph!

Lately I have been having bizarre dreams. Not the kind of bizarre dream when you wake up you say "that was bizarre" and that is it. I am having very detailed bizarre dreams that I remember completely when I wake up. For example here is one I had last week:

Scene one: I am standing in front of the Canadian Prime Ministers residence waiting for him to appear for a speech. There are throngs of people surrounding me waiting for the same thing. I happen to be in the front row. I don't specifically see the people waiting but I know they are there. Soon the Prime Minister appears in a beige-world-leader-with-badges-pajama-type-thing that had buttons down the front and reminded me of the pajama's worn by the grandpa in the original Charlie and the Chocolate factory movie. He appears in a tall but narrow window and begins to give a speech.

Scene two: The speech is over and I find myself in a bed with four other people. The bed is outside in front of the prime ministers residence. I am on the far left side sitting up looking out over a mass of reporters that are shouting questions. Immediately on my right is Mary Lynn Rajskub who plays Chloe O'Brian on the show "24". Next to her is the Prime Minister. I don't see the two people seated to his right but I know they are there. All five of us are sitting with our backs to the headboard and our legs covered by a white bedspread. The reporters are shouting questions and we are answering them. The whole time I sat there thinking "why am I here and is this Mary Lynn Rajskub or Chloe O'Brian next to me and why the Canadian Prime Minister?" We just sat there. We didn't sleep or canoodle or anything of the sort, we just sat there as if we belonged there.

Then I woke up. I couldn't get back to sleep. I just laid there thinking about that dream and what it meant. I have no idea who the Canadian Prime Minister is or if they even have one. I am not terribly concerned about Canada and its leadership. That just added to the bizarreness of this dream. I do love Mary Lynn, that made sense. She happened to be on the tonight show a couple weeks back. Maybe that sparked her presence in my dream.

Any ideas people? Any Josephs out there willing to interpret?

PS: I now know that Canada is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. So you Canadians out there don't need to comment on my lack of knowledge of your country.

1 comment:

Dave Ketah said...

Nightmare! In bed with Cloe? She is my least favorite character on that show! Aaaagggghhhhh!

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