Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Litttle Diddy

For the past four years I've been on a journey. I truly believe that the Holy Spirit has prompted this journey in me and many others. There is a swelling of people in the Church that are questioning the status quo. In essence there is movement. People are moving. The Church is moving.

I first recognized my journey for what it is after reading Blue Like Jazz (thank you, Sarah). I was reading the book thinking "yes, this guy gets me. There is more out there. I want to be a part of it." Since then I've come to the knowledge that I was unsettled in my place in the Church. I was no longer fine with the way I was trained to think of church. I felt compelled to go beyond what I know.

I think the institutional church is in need of revolution and repair. What has been is in need of adjustment and repair.

I don't have the answers nor do I think I am the poster child of Christianity. I am just one on a journey that is filled with 41 years of experience. I feel like I've been there and done that but still feel like there is more out there for me to be part of. I think Jesus wants more from me.

At I am journaling my experience. I'm not sure if it will go any where or mean anything. I just feel like it needs to be written out. My goal is to go as long as I can, as far back as I can remember, and as truthful as humanly possible.

1 comment:

Phil said...

I'm in a similar position. There is a sense of urgency in my spirit, sourced in me not from myself, but from something higher and deeper. While I'm not on the bandwagon of throwing out everything that's "old" and "has been", suggesting revolutionary change simply for change sake, I think MUCH needs to be re-focused and stripped down. In short, I think our hearts need to be humbled. I believe that the majority of the American church is in a deep slumber, a haze of sorts. If this portion of Jesus' bride is to have any significant effect, a great awakening is in order. I don't know if that will happen or not. If we don't listen to this clear stirring, I believe something bad is in store. I'm no prophet, but I think most non-delusional believers sense this to some degree also. I'll add your udder blog to my reader list (though I'm pretty lazy on both blogging and reading these days). Thanks for sharing your heart.

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