One of my bosses hates these shoes. I don't know why but he does. The first day I wore them to work he was beside himself and didn't know what to say. Prior to this I had no idea that he disdained them so. His brother couldn't explain the hate.
Since that day I've worn them on average about twice a week. I can't wear these shoes to work without my boss bringing some kind of attention them. Whether it's a comment, a look, or him pointing at the shoes and asking somebody nearby "would you wear those
Right now my boss is gone for lunch. When he returns he will find the photo below on his computer set as his wallpaper. Fueling the fire I guess.

As you might have guessed we have a very casual dress code. In reality we don't even have a dress code that I have ever seen. Specifically no written dress code. He is threatening to write one for the new building we'll be moving into in March of '07. He says he'll add a line banning Converse All-Stars in any color. Until then... these are the shoes of choice for work.
I like your style!
I'm glad that the birthday gift that I got you could add so much controversy to your office!
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