Tuesday, March 28, 2006


In a previous post I admitted to being a coffee-holic. I now know that this is very true and I will be no slave to any substance darn it.

For a fast I am giving up coffee for a week. Not only coffee but anything with caffeine. This started Sunday. Ouch. It has been rough. The headache is now just fading. I didn't realize how addicted my body is to the stuff.

I am having another type of withdrawl... the habit of having a cup on my desk at work. My son has his blanket, I have my coffee. I miss it. Today I satisfied that desire with a cup of hot cocoa. It was good but not the same.

I am determined to do it and to remain off caffeine as long as I can. My plan is to start drinking less-caf coffee (aka decaf) and see how that goes for a while.

One of the first things that I have noticed as I detoxify from the caffeine addiction is that my sleep at night has been much better. Once I fall asleep I've stayed asleep until the @#$% alarm goes off in the morning. I so hate that alarm.

Note to Starbuck's, Sip City, and the occasional Dutch Bros.: don't worry... I'll be back... it'll just be for the unleaded latte.


Anonymous said...

When you go to Starbucks, try the Vanilla bean frappachino(sp?). These are like melted ice cream and taste delicious. This from a non-coffee drinker.

Anonymous said...

It's a tough road to de-caf your body, I've done it as well. Next week you'll feel great!


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