Monday, September 04, 2006

Drunk Idiots

Okay. Before I post on this past weekend and how nice and relaxing it was I must rant.

It goes like this. Sunday evening we were all sitting around the campfires in our respective campsites enjoying a little quiet reading time as the kids played. Next to my parents campsite, which was next door to ours, was the path that led to the bathrooms. As we sat quietly some of our neighbors were taking a group hike to the bathrooms to do whatever they did there. This group had passed by earlier in the day. They were all loud and laughing. Obviously drunk. As they were passing my folks site one of the ladies pulled her pants down to moon the guy behind her. My mom saw it. As they snorted, laughed, and made a big production about it my mom protested and asked them to move on. The lady that did the moon job got a little belligerent and ended up yelling back at my mom to "mind her own business bitch". Real class. Calling a sixty plus year old lady a bitch.

At first I didn't get up, figuring they were drunk and stupid, but then I saw my dad get up to confront them. So, I got up to be his wing-man. I went to the restrooms but didn't see my dad. The offending group, of about eight, were milling about just outside the building as my dad appeared from the men's room. I am not sure what they were all doing. It reminded my of grade school girls who couldn't go to the potty by themselves. I asked my dad if he had said anything to them and he said "not yet". As I turned to go I again saw the group of offenders. I had to say something.

I calmly approached the ringleader, who happened to be the mooner, and I said "she was just looking for a little respect you didn't need to start being rude". I was quickly lambasted by an assault of poor language and equally poor advice. Mature things like "this is a free country", "we are just trying to have fun", "if you don't want to see it go stay at the Marriott", and other choice and grown up responses you'd expect from an eight year old. Except these were coming from a grown adult. I was good. I held my tongue and my fists. Choice retorts that could only come from the bottom of a bitter sailors tongue quickly came to mind but never made it to the mouth. I could have said "look who's talking you fat ugly trailer trash cow who couldn't get laid in house full of..." ah, I'll keep those to myself. They are from the evil Brian. She flat out denied that she mooned anyone and later change her story that there was a lady up the trail that did the mooning. She could hardly keep her story straight. Idiot.

In my life I have definitely learned a thing or two about people. One is to never argue with a drunk or an idiot. Here I think I was dealing with both. I don't like people like that. It wouldn't have mattered what I said or did she had an audience and was going to perform. I prayed silently as I walked back to our site that God would strike her down and have her eaten by worms. Okay, not really, but I did wish harm and poor things on her. Soon to be followed by an apology to God and a little forgiveness seeking and a prayer that one day the mooner would look back on this event and think "I was a fool". I doubt it will ever happen but you never know.

The risk you take camping is the other people in close proximity. For the most part we had decent neighbors. Although one guy with a loud stereo was about to be accosted by my brothers banshee yell and my word of advice to keep his radio down before I treat him to a little Demon Hunter. That is why I always preferred backpacking.

One last note. My brother was upset we didn't get him to come along. He had some great retorts to her Marriot comment. My favorite was this. "The Marriott? You can't even spell Marriot! It's spelled y.o.u.c.a.n.t.a.f.f.o.r.d.i.t." Nice Daniel.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thanks for going along to be dad's wing-man...LOL! LOL! LOL!.....still LOL!

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