This is the guy.
The cause for much fun and frivolity in the office this week. What we learned is that even if you know it's around it can still startle you. We had a couple repeat victims in the bathroom today. We also learned that our bookkeeper can't pee with the badger staring at her.
There are certain people who can't be in on practical jokes. One of the bosses heard that I had it set up to get the IT guy. He (the boss) couldn't wait, he had to prompt it. It failed miserably. Even after I told him it wouldn't work and asked him not to say anything, he went ahead and said something. It went something like this:
Boss: "Hey IT guy, I've got something I need your help with in the server room." (first clue it'll fail because the boss has no business in the server room)
IT Guy: "Ok"
I know it's going to fail so I head downstairs.
IT guy enters the server room, where the badger is hidden mostly under his motorcycle jacket, as the boss waits outside.
IT Guy: "So, what did you need?" (he doesn't see it, because he's not supposed to until he grabs his jacket)
Boss: "Uh... well..." (oops, should have been prepared with an answer)
IT Guy: "So?"
Boss: "Hey Bonham, where is it?"
IT Guy: "Oh, are you trying to get me with the badger?"
I grumble as I walk down the stairs.
Later IT Guy admits that it would have scared him if he found it later.
Thanks boss.
When it comes to practical jokes, patience pays.