Wednesday, February 06, 2008

November's Coming

If in November it comes down to McCain vs. Clinton or McCain vs. Obama I won't be voting.


It's no lesser of two evils or Democrat vs. Republican. It is same vs. same. Who cares. At that point it won't matter who wins. As much as they say they are agents of change they are not. They are all the same. Four years from now nothing will be different. Nothing. Except that we'll be four years older.

I am a huge proponent of the democratic system but I think it is getting a bit stale in the American political system. That is why I am supporting Ron Paul. Just because he is not in the lead I will not give up on him. Run Ron, Run.


Dave Ketah said...


Anonymous said...

I Agree!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess you and all others who opt out of the system -- as sick and twisted as it is -- will be totally silent when the system does it's inevitable worst...NOT!!!
Hypocrite. I figure some people opted out of voting during the 1933German elections. They had their options of dissent taken away from them. If the only choice is the lesser of two evils and you do not choose, you are tacitly condoning the greater.

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