Thursday, February 14, 2008


I am loving American Gladiator!

I watched the original and I am watching the new one. As a matter of fact we watch it together as a family. It is totally kid friendly and my kids get into it. My daughter squeals when Titan shakes his thighs. The other night Brianna was at a friends house and was due home at 7 and Alex kept saying "I can't wait until Brianna gets home". So I asked him "Why? Because you miss her?" and he says "No Dad! So we can watch Gladiator." "Oh."

Favorite new Gladiators:
  • Titan - His sportsmanship and postive attitude is great.
  • Crush - She is a cutie who could easily kick my arse.
  • Wolf - Duh! He is just too fun. I love his taunting.

Sunday night is the final and since we have church that evening we will be taping it. Yes I said taping! Get off my back.

Do you watch?


Jennifer said...

uh....well, umm.....yes, we watch! Jonathan actually went to the academy with Stealth. Small world.

Kathi said...

My favorite is how they spell Hellga...HELLga.

Also, I think the men are pretty cool (and ripped). I am impressed by their good-sportsmanship. I haven't seen that as much from the ladies, but I don't doubt that it's not there.

However, nothing still beats the Samoan fire dancer at the luau!

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