Friday, August 25, 2006


Since I posted back on Nov. 1st, 2005 about giving up talk radio I have not listened to it on a regular basis. If I was to total up the time I've listened since then it would probably come to less than an hour. Today confirmed to me why I don't listen anymore.

I was sitting at the Willamette river in my car on my lunch break today and decided to give a listen to Michael Medved's show. He started the show off with a guest from Nation magazine, Katha Pollitt. She is a left-wing liberal (or progressive if you will) writer who has a new book out titled "Virginity or Death!". This book is a collection of her previous writings. I have not read the book so I cannot comment on it.

Michael began a discussion with her and ask her questions on her opinions and views on the typical topics of the day; religion, right vs. left, etc. Then Michael takes his first caller. The guy starts out with his background. He was a liberal democrat, sexually promiscuous, etc. Then fourteen years ago became a Born Again Christian and changed his ways. He then proceeded to lambast her and her views and without warning or provocation condemned her to Hell.

What the heck! He condemns her to Hell on public radio.

His anger and beligerance took over. Rationality was out the window. This guy was out of control.

Katha Pollitt, on behalf of rational Jesus followers everywhere I am sorry. This caller, I pray, does not represent the majority of us who follow Christ. As you clearly understood and stated he is not capable of sending you to Hell.

I for one appreciate that you step out and share your views and challenge those of us that disagree with some of your opinions. I think a challenged Church will become a stronger Church. We often run from discussion with people of your opinion and we shouldn't. Only when conversation happens can understanding take place.

Name calling and condemning do not reflect a Christ-like heart. Nor do they advance the will of God. This caller needs to revisit the book of James and reflect on the power of the tongue.


Missy said...

Well said!

Kathi said...

Ah, yes, another good reason for not listening to talk radio. It seems that it's become a listening audience for the irrational.

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