Monday, August 21, 2006

Question of the day

As I returned home from work today I was met at the door by my kids, as is the nightly custom. They typically ask for "huggies and kisses" and I tell them they have to wait their turn, that Mom is always first. I then proceed into the house to unload my keys and stuff and find my wife for a kiss or two. Then it's the kids turn. They love to jump up and have me catch them mid-air. Each year this gets a little more difficult... either they are getting bigger or I am getting old, or both.

Tonight was different. As Brianna held the door, as she likes to do, Alex asked the question of the day: "Dad, can I punch you as hard as I can to show you how strong I am?" What? No request for huggies and kisses? No pleading to be the first to tattle on the other, or rant of the days happenings? Instead a request to demonstrate a feat of strength... at my expense.

After the customary huggies and kisses I let Alex show me how strong he is. I succumbed to his five year old charm, and maybe a little dose of my own pride. PUNCH! Yep, I'm still tough... didn't hurt a bit. Although the day is coming where that may be a big mistake. He's five now but soon he'll be fifteen and that little tap of a five year old's knuckle on my *ahem* six pack will be a angst ridden teenagers fist of death pummeling my *cough* rock hard abs.

Funny that Brianna has never asked to prove her strength to me. She is however, close to being able to do the splits. Which she proved tonight after the punch.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Did you show Brianna your split abilities? Or Alex how strong you are? *wink*

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