Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Myspace porn

The following is a bulletin I posted on my myspace account:

Please please believe me that I did not post that!!!I have no clue how my id got
linked to that.

I am very sorry that my name got linked to that. Thanks Brandon
for pointing it out... I had no clue.

That is a major, MAJOR, peeve of mine with
myspace. On top of events like that, the advertising is embarrassing. The only
reason I even entertain having a myspace page is to keep in contact with you

My deepest apologies for something I was truly unaware of. Very sad.

Please know that I do not visit porn sites or sites of that subject matter. And in
order to remain above reproach I have installed X3Watch software on my computer
that sends sites that I visit to my wife and a good trusted friend. I strongly
encourage all of you, male and female, to do the same. The software is free and
easy to install. I am more than willing to be your accountability person on

If you do have a problem with porn please feel free to contact me at
anytime to talk about it. Or if you are uncomfortable with talking with me
please visit You need accountability. Porn is a dangerous
slippery slope. The Enemy is on the move in the internet world.

God bless you all for your understanding.

It is sad that I even had to post that. I felt as if it was necessary to do it in light of some of the issues that plague our society today. Porn is a sneaky monster that is infiltrating all aspects of our world.

I never looked at the link that was posted under my name so I can't say for sure what the content was. I will trust my friend Brandon that it wasn't good. I was able to delete the post and a few others for some ringtones and jeans that were also posted under my name. If abuse like that continues I will cancel the myspace account at the risk of loosing touch with some of the students that I have worked with over the years. That makes me sad.

I am still reeling from the possible appearance of impropriety which makes this hard to write and may come across as jumbled thoughts. For this I am sorry. It speaks to how serious I take this.

Please email or comment your thoughts. I'd love to hear them.

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